Nova Featured Product: Brazilian Lacewood, Leopardwood

By Ben Nystrom, 05/07/12

Brazilian Lacewood hardwood flooring is one of the most unique species Nova offers. Also known as Leopardwood, it is characterized by vibrant golden colored quartersawn flecks and a rich medium-to-dark reddish-brown color. Nova's Brazilian Lacewood (Roupala montana) is a sister species to another South American Lacewood (Panopsis rubellens) and true Australian Lacewood (cardwellia sublimia), also known as Northern Silky Oak.

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Don't be fooled by the other Lacewood varieties; though they are very similar in appearance, both are substantially softer than Roupala montana. Nova's Brazilian Lacewood has a hardness rating of 2150 lbs, which is very close to Brazilian Cherry (2350 lbs). The other two have a rating of approximately 800 lbs, which is closer to softer domestic species such as Southern Yellow Pine and Douglas Fir.

Nova USA currently stocks Brazilian Lacewood in 3/4" x 3-1/4" & 5" widths; lengths are 1'-7'. The product is clear grade and only available prefinished.

Lacewood hardwood flooring from Nova USA Wood Products is a great choice for customers that are tired of traditional varieties such as oak and want a more unique, exotic floor. Contact your Nova USA Wood flooring representative to learn more about this beautiful and durable hardwood species.

By Ben Nystrom, 05/07/12

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