Brazilian Apitong Trailer Decking History

By Steve Getsiv, 02/17/09

When I first started in the lumber industry in 1987, I went to work for my dad who owned a finger-joint, edge-glue manufacturing facility. We specialized in laminated truck trailer flooring made from vertical grain Douglas Fir. These were not great times, but not nearly as difficult as being in the building industry today. I learned a lot and used my truck trailer experience to launch a successful career in the tropical hardwood industry.

Today, Nova has excellent sourcing for Angelim Pedra, Purpleheart, Massaranduba, Tatajuba, Apitong, Keruing and other outstanding industrial woods. We have a few OEM programs going for shiplap hardwood trailer decking and some components, but there is much room for improvement in terms of growth and diversity.

We are pleased to announce that we will start distributing our trailer decking products on the West coast beginning this Spring. We have created a web site at which will allow our customers to enter orders, view inventory, and get massive amounts of technical information about our products and competitive products. Hopefully we can go live with the web site by the end of March.

By Steve Getsiv, 02/17/09

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