Sucupira Hardwood Technical Species Information
Detailed scientific and mechanical properties for Sucupira Hardwood Lumber
- Description: Sucupira, also known as Tiete Chestnut, is a great combination of the exotic and the practical, as it is a stunning wood that can easily stand up to a large amount of foot traffic. This Brazilian wood has rich red-brown, chocolate-brown, or light brown heartwood with yellowish or whitish tones and high luster. Sucupira possesses a medium to coarse texture with an interlocked grain, and with its dark warming tones, a nearby fireplace would be the perfect accompaniment for a Sucupira floor.
- More Info: We specialize in both unfinished hardwood floors and prefinished flooring. Available width are 3", 4" and 5". Please see our product catalog for more information.
- Other Names: Bowdichia spp, Tiete Chestnut
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Sucupira Lumber Scientific Properties and Technical Specifications
- Janka Hardness: 2,140 pounds
- Strength (MOR): 25,100 psi
- Stiffness (MOE): 2,600 1000 psi
- Density (KG/m3): 960
- Color: Deep brown to reddish brown heartwood with striping, white sapwood.
- Photosensitivity: Moderate
- Tangential Shrinkage: 7.6%
- Radial Shrinkage: 4.0%
- Family: Leguminosae
- Tree Characteristics: The Sucupira tree can grow up to 150 feet high and reach a diameter of 4 feet.
- Geographic Area: Lower Amazon region, Venezuela, the Guianas, Brazil
- Texture: Coarse with harsh feel
- Grain: Irregular and interlocked
- Luster: Low
- Durability Rating: Heartwood rated as very durable.
- Drying Characteristics: Rated as easy to season with small tendency to warp or check.
- Working Characteristics: Rated as difficult to work. Finishes smoothly and glues well.
- Applications: Flooring, railway ties, heavy construction.
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